Iscientia provides world leading healthcare information services to improve healthcare practices and thus supports improved patient safety.
For 25 years, we have been a distributor of renowned international databases e.g. IBM Micromedex, Dynamedex and Duodecim, we have developed a close relationship with health care institutions and governments in Belgium, France, Luxemburg and the Maghreb countries.
Our digital library gives you a direct access to national and international evidence-based guidelines, medical journals, medication information and patient leaflets.
Discover the solutions offered through our eco-system, developed in-house by our dedicated R&D engineers, using cutting edge technologies.
How can we help?
In healthcare, knowledge is the key to give the best possible care to your patients.
Our aim is not to produce knowledge but to give you access
to the most pertinent, most updated and most relevant information.
Ebmfrance.net is the digital platform with guidelines and recommendations for the general practitioner in France, developed in close collaboration with the Collège de la Médecine Générale (CMG).
An independent editorial team, founded by the CMG, is responsible for the integration of the recommendations, the updates, the management of the platform and the communication with our users.
They are adviced by the Scientific Advice Comittee, whose members originate from scientific organisations of the Collège de la Médecine Générale and from our partners (HAS, CNAM, INCA).
CDLH – CEBAM Digital Library for Health
In the current internet jungle of information, staying tuned is quite a challenge for every healthcare provider. After graduating, how end where can you continue to consult reliable, independant and evidence based sources?
The Cebam Digital Library for Health is your gateway to high-quality information. This digital library is the result of a collaboration between the RIZIV/INAMI and the Center for Evidence Based Medicine (Cebam) in Belgium, with expertise in the validation of scientific, medical information.
ebpracticenet – EBMG for healthcare professionals in Belgium
Ebpracticenet is a digital database combining all clinical guidelines and other evidence-based supporting information, dedicated to the healthcare professionals in Belgium. On this platform, you find guidelines, recommendations, clinical reviews and patient leaflets, tools and programs and scientific audivisual tools for your specific healthcare specialty. They support you to apply evidence-based practice, which is the result of combining scientific proof, personal healtchare experience and the patient’s consent and preferences.
Want to work with us?
At iscientia we pride ourselves in working close with our clients to deliver the best work possible. Our goal is always to put light on your ideas and make it a reality. Don’t hestitate…