Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines
The platform of EBM Guidelines has been developed by Iscientia, and gives health care professionals access to different databases of EBM Guidelines.
- The main database consists of the Duodecim Point of Care Guidelines for General Practitioners, containing about 1000 resumes of guidelines, 4800 evidence summaries, and hundreds of images and videos.
- The set of 1000 guideline resumes is translated into French and Dutch (other languages are ongoing) by a team of professional medical translators and validated by GP’s.
- We follow the update cycle of Duodecim to publish the reviewed translated guidelines (approx. 300 updates per year).
- Besides this global database, every country can add specific national guidelines from different guideline developers, or can add contextual notes to international guidelines. To know how, have a look at our Editorial Platform!
Quick or advanced search facilities
You can perform a search with just one click, or explore the advanced search functionalities.
- Simple search, just enter one or more terms and look up the results
- Save and reuse specific searches
- Open recently consulted pages
- Search by theme or medication
- Search by PICO
- Country specific search functionalities are possible, e.g.
- search based on your profile (GP, midwife, nurse, pharmacist,…)
- search by specialty
- search in one or more languages
- add and search by synonyme
Once you have entered your search, you can filter the results, based on dates, organization, type of document…
Consult a guideline, summary, image or video
- the title region gives information on
- dates : when was the guideline created or updated,
- the level of evidence according to the pyramid of Haynes,
- the producer of the guideline.
- The table of contents on the left lets you immediately jump to a specific subtitle, e.g. treatment, diagnosis, referrals, medication…
- You can give feedback to the editorial team, send a link to colleagues, mark a guideline as your favorite (it will appear on your home page after login!), save the page in PDF or print it.
- If a patient leaflet is available, you will have direct access to it.
- If critical appraisal is available, you will be able to access it immediately.
- The source guideline, this is the full text, is always accessible, as well as studies or related articles on Pubmed, for example.
- The authors and their Conflict of Interest are visible in the guideline.
View an evidence summary
References to evidence summaries are clearly visible in the guideline. Clicking on it opens the evidence summary, stating the level of evidence and providing a link to the source documents (Pubmed)
Pictures in small or large format
Every illustration is immediately visible in the guideline, and can be enlarged for more details.
Tools & calculators
If tools or calculators are available, you can immediately open and use them.