Evidence Based Medicine Decision Support
Easy and reliable way to check patient’s medication
EBMEDS is a clinical decision support system, which integrates the patient data in electronic health record with the latest curated medical knowledge and brings patient specific instructions. It can be described as a set of rules (scripts) applied to structured health data.
EBMEDS derives from Evidence-Based Medicine Electronic Decision Support
EBMEDS collects relevant structured patient data from the electronic health record, presents the data into the EBMEDS engine and returns reminders, guideline links and alarms, when appropriate. It will also repopulate electronic forms and calculators with patient data. EBMEDS can also be used for population health management such as Care Gap analyses and Predictive Analytics.
What precisely are EBMEDS outcomes?
EBMEDS notices are categorized in three levels according to importance: Alerts, Prompts and Reminders. They appear in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) application of the GP.
How do alerts, prompts and reminders differ?
- Alerts address situations, when ignoring the recommended action might cause serious harm to the patient.
- Prompts address situations, when the recommended action has considerable benefits for patient-important outcomes.
- Reminders address situations, when there is a clear evidence of benefit, but the magnitude of benefit is not large in all patients.
How many rules (scripts) are there?
There are over 2000 scripts, of which over 600 are in active use (1/2019) in the Finnish version. The total number of individual recommendations is close to 50,000.
In Belgium, EBMeDS is integrated in HealthOne and a pilot project is ongoing with Pricare.
View this video (in Dutch) to get a general demo of EBMeDS integrated in an EHR.
https://player.vimeo.com/video/106191411 (slechte kwaliteit!)
EBMEDS – universal and interoperable
EBMEDS is platform independent. It can be integrated into any structured and coded electronic patient record. The technology used is simple and efficient, only text files. Installation and updating are straightforward and fast.
Interaction between the EHR software and EBMEDS engine
The client component will be designed and integrated into the EHR system by local EHR system developers familiar with the internal structures of the EHR. The client component retrieves patient data from the EHR database and delivers the data to the EBMEDS module in a standardized XML format. In response, the client may receive EBMEDS messages to be shown in the EHR user interface.
Since the client component must be individually designed for every EHR no standard interface component is provided by the EBMEDS developers.
EBMEDS is developed by
Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd., a publishing arm of Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. Both the Society as well as the publishing arm work closely with GRADE research team, G-I-N network and EBSCO publishing.