Clinical decision support
Provides information on alternative and complementary medicine products, including herbal remedies, supplements, herbal therapies, and homeopathic medicines. The database contains detailed information on pharmacological properties, drug interactions, side effects, recommended dosages and precautions for use.
Reproductive Effects
Sources Reprotox, Shepard’s, Teris
Refers to the effects a substance may have on fertility, pregnancy, embryonic and fetal development, and reproductive health in general.
A comprehensive online resource that provides evidence-based information on pediatric medicine. It is designed to assist healthcare professionals in delivering safe and effective care to infants, children, and adolescents.
Contains drug information, including dosages, drug interactions, adverse effects, and administration information. It also provides information on therapeutic indications, pharmacological properties, contraindications and precautions to be taken when using the drugs.
The information is derived from a variety of sources, including the FDA, EMA, and clinical literature. It is updated daily to reflect the latest research and drug information.
Drug Interactions
Drug interaction information tool that provides detailed information about possible interactions between different drugs. This tool is used to identify potential risks of drug interactions and to help make informed decisions about appropriate treatments.
The tool provides information on basic drug interactions (drug, food, ethanol and laboratory screening, including tobacco, pregnancy, breastfeeding and allergies.
Red Book
Offers the most up-to-date information on prescription price, market analysis, reimbursement amount, forecast, and more
Index Nominum
Edited by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
Offers access to the world’s largest repository of substances and derivatives from 168 countries. Includes for each drug a generic name, global brand name, manufacturer, therapeutic class, molecular structure, etc.
World reference database in toxicology. It is used by healthcare professionals to help diagnose and treat poisonings and to provide information to patients and families on the emergency measures to take in the event of exposure to a toxic substance.
Edited by The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Contains drug information, including therapeutic indications, pharmacological properties, dosages, drug interactions, adverse effects, and administration information. It also provides information on pharmaceutical products such as medical devices and diagnostics.
It includes generic drug names, synonyms/chemical names, applied names, formulas/molecular weights and CAS registry numbers; pharmacology; physical characteristics, adverse effects and other relevant details for objective information.
The content of the Martindale is drawn from various sources, including the EMA.
A comprehensive drug reference guide specifically designed for neonatal and pediatric care. It provides healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, with essential information on medication dosing, administration, compatibility, and safety in newborns and children.
Complete IV Compatibility (Trissels)
Identifies potential risks when multiple parenteral drugs and solutions are combined. When multiple IV medications are combined, the risk of complication is very real. Efficacy of one or more drugs can be reduced or a potentially dangerous incompatibility can occur. With this database you will have access to the largest, most comprehensive IV compatibility resource.
Approved Merative distributor for France, Benelux and French-speaking Africa